2023 Watchlist
The table below shows the Fiduciary Free 50 Shareholder Proposals (SHPs). Each SHP contains the full resolution text and links to the proxy statements.
Target Company | SHP # | SHP Category | Resolution Text | Link to Proxy Statement |
US Foods Holding Corp | 04 | Climate Change | Resolved: Shareholders request that US Foods adopt short, medium, and long-term science-based greenhouse gas emissions reduction targets, inclusive of emissions from its full value chain (Scope 1, 2, and 3), in order to achieve net-zero emissions by 2050 or sooner and to effectuate appropriate emissions reductions prior to 2030. Supporting Statement: In assessing targets, proponents recommend, at management’s discretion: (1) Consideration of approaches used by advisory groups such as the Science Based Targets initiative; (2) Adopting emissions reduction targets inclusive of all GHG Protocol-defined sources of Scope 3 emissions—including from agriculture, land use change, and deforestation—that align with limiting temperature increases to 1.5°C; (3) Increasing the scale, pace, and rigor of initiatives aimed at reducing the carbon intensity of US Foods’ supply chain; (4) Adopting a no-deforestation policy for all relevant forest-risk commodities. | Link to Proxy Statement |
Monster Beverage Corp | 04 | Climate Change | RESOLVED: Shareholders request that Monster Beverage issue a report at reasonable cost and omitting proprietary information disclosing how the Company intends to reduce its operational and supply chain GHG emissions in alignment with the Paris Agreement's 1.5 degree goal requiring net zero emissions by 2050. Proponents suggest, at Board and Company discretion, that the report include: 1 Disclosure of the Company’s annual Scope 3 (where relevant) GHG emissions. 2 A timeline for setting a net zero GHG reduction target and aligned interim goals. 3 An enterprise-wide climate transition plan to achieve net zero emissions. 4 A rationale for any decision not to set targets aligned with the Paris Agreement’s 1.5 degree goal. 5 Other information the Board deems appropriate. | Link to Proxy Statement |
United Parcel Service Inc | 07 | Climate Change | Resolved: Shareholders request that UPS adopt independently verified short, medium, and long-term science-based greenhouse gas emissions reduction targets, inclusive of emissions from its full value chain (Scope 1, 2, and 3), in order to achieve net-zero emissions by 2050 or sooner and to attain appropriate emissions reductions prior to 2030, in line with the Paris Agreement’s goal of maintaining global temperature rise at 1.5 degrees Celsius. | Link to Proxy Statement |
Exxon Mobil Corp | 08 | Climate Change | RESOLVED: Shareholders request that ExxonMobil’s Board of Directors seek an audited report assessing how applying the assumptions of the International Energy Agency’s Net Zero by 2050 pathway would affect the assumptions, costs, estimates, and valuations underlying its financial statements, including those related to long-term commodity and carbon prices, remaining asset lives, future asset retirement obligations, capital expenditures and impairments. The Board should obtain and ensure publication of the report by February 2023, at reasonable cost and omitting proprietary information. The proponent recommends the requested report be supported with reasonable assurance from an independent auditor. Investors with $103 trillion in assets under management have already called for companies and their auditors to rigorously disclose climate risks in financial reporting, or risk overstatement by failing to integrate impacts on profits and financial positions.6 Last year, this topic received 49.4% support of ExxonMobil investors. In light of ExxonMobil’s disclosures regarding potential impairments from uncertain climate scenarios depressing product demand, it is urgent for investors to vote in favor. | Link to Proxy Statement |
Costco Wholesale Corp | 05 | Climate Change | Resolved: Shareholders request that Costco adopt short, medium, and long-term science-based greenhouse gas emissions reduction targets, inclusive of emissions from its full value chain (Scope 1, 2, and 3), in order to achieve net-zero emissions by 2050 or sooner and to effectuate appropriate emissions reductions prior to 2030. In assessing targets, we recommend, at management’s discretion: 1 Consideration of approaches used by advisory groups such as the Science Based Targets initiative; 2 Adopting emissions reduction targets inclusive of all GHG Protocol-defined sources of Scope 3 emissions – including from agriculture, land use change, and deforestation – that align with limiting temperature increases to 1.5°C; 3 Disclosing these targets to investors at least 180 days prior to the next annual meeting. | Link to Proxy Statement |
Charter Communications Inc | 06 | Climate Change | RESOLVED: Tthat shareholders of Charter Communications, Inc. (the “Company”) request the Board of Directors of the Company disclose as soon as reasonably practicable but no later than 150 days after each annual meeting of shareholders of the Company (beginning with the 2022 annual meeting of shareholders), a climate-related financial risk report (the “Climate Action Plan”) consistent with the recommendations of the Task Force on Climate-related Financial Disclosures. The Climate Action Plan should disclose the Company’s greenhouse gas emissions and its plan to reduce them and whether, how and to what extent such plans align with or vary from the ten Disclosure Indicators set forth in the Climate Action 100+ Net-Zero Company Benchmark. | Link to Proxy Statement |
Dollar Tree Inc | 05 | Climate Change | Resolved: Shareholders request the Board issue a report, at reasonable expense and excluding confidential information, disclosing how the Company intends to reduce its GHG emissions in alignment with the Paris Agreement’s 1.5 degree goal requiring net zero emissions by 2050, including its relevant Scope 3 emissions. Proponents suggest, at Company discretion, the report also include: 1 A timeline for setting 1.5 degree aligned Scope 1-3 emissions reduction targets; 2 An enterprise-wide climate transition plan to achieve net zero emissions; 3 A rationale for any decision not to set targets aligned with the Paris Agreement’s 1.5 degree goal; 4 Other information the Board deems appropriate. | Link to Proxy Statement |
Chubb Ltd | 14 | Climate Change | RESOLVED: Shareholders request that Chubb issue a report, at reasonable cost and omitting proprietary information, addressing whether and how it intends to measure, disclose, and reduce the GHG emissions associated with its underwriting, insuring, and investment activities in alignment with the Paris Agreement’s 1.5oC goal, requiring net zero emissions. Shareholders recommend the report disclose, at board discretion: Whether Travelers will begin measuring and disclosing the emissions associated with the full range of its operations and by when, and whether Travelers will set a Paris aligned, net zero target, for its full range of emissions. and on what timeline (RZ: FUNNY that they failed to do a find/replace of Travelers with Chubb!) | Link to Proxy Statement |
Alphabet Inc | 06 | Climate Change | RESOLVED: Shareholders request the Alphabet Inc. Board of Directors within the next year conduct an evaluation and issue a report (at reasonable cost, omitting proprietary information) describing if, and how, its lobbying activities (directly and indirectly through trade associations and social welfare and nonprofit organizations) align with the Paris Agreement’s ultimate goal to limit average global warming to 1.5° C. The report should also address Alphabet’s plans to mitigate the risks presented by any misalignment. | Link to Proxy Statement |
Travelers Cos Inc/The | 05 | Climate Change | RESOLVED: Shareholders request that Travelers issue a report, at reasonable cost and omitting proprietary information, addressing if and how it intends to measure, disclose, and reduce the GHG emissions associated with its underwriting, insuring, and investment activities, in alignment with the Paris Agreement’s 1.5oC goal, requiring net zero emissions. Shareholders recommend the report disclose at board discretion: 1 Whether Travelers will begin measuring and disclosing the emissions associated with the full range of its underwriting, insuring, and investment activities and by when, and 2 Whether Travelers will set a Paris aligned, net zero target, for its full range of emissions. and on what timeline | Link to Proxy Statement |
Alphabet Inc | 07 | Climate Change | Resolved: Shareowners request that Alphabet (“the Company”) publish a regular periodic assessment of resilience to the physical risks of climate change, including description of short-, medium-, and long-term measures that the Company is taking to mitigate physical risks, including threats to its headquarters and other key assets from sea level rise and flooding. The report should be completed at reasonable cost and omit proprietary information. | Link to Proxy Statement |
Valero Energy Corp | 04 | Climate Change | Resolved: Shareholders request Valero issue a report within a year, and annually thereafter, at reasonable expense and excluding confidential information, that discloses near- and long-term GHG gas reduction targets aligned with the Paris Agreement’s goal of maintaining global temperature rise at 1.5 degrees Celsius, and a plan to achieve them. Reporting should cover the company’s full range of operational and supply chain emissions (Scope 1, 2, and 3). In assessing targets, we recommend, at management’s discretion: (1) Taking into consideration approaches used by groups like the Science Based Targets initiative; (2) Developing a low carbon transition plan showing evidence of implementation to meet Valero’s goals; (3) Considering support targets for renewable energy, energy efficiency, alternative fuels production and other measures deemed appropriate by management; and (4) Committing to reduce local community health impacts from cumulative operational emissions. | Link to Proxy Statement |
Kroger Co/The | 07 | Climate Change | RESOLVED: Shareholders request that Kroger issue a report, at reasonable cost and omitting proprietary information, describing how it can adopt strategies above and beyond legal compliance to curtail the predominant source of its operational (Scope 1) GHG emissions, by deploying the best available technological options for eliminating the use of hydrofluorocarbons (HFCs) in refrigeration. The report should describe the extent to which the Company will act consistent with the Consumer Goods Forum commitments on ultra-low GWP refrigerants, including any related capital spending commitments, or explain why the Company is not acting consistent with those commitments. | Link to Proxy Statement |
Chevron Corp | 06 | Climate Change | RESOLVED: Shareholders request Chevron’s Board of Directors provide an audited report addressing how application of the assumptions of the IEA’s Net Zero by 2050 pathway would affect the assumptions and estimates underlying its financial statements, including its long-term commodity and carbon prices, remaining asset lives, existing and future asset retirement obligations, capital expenditures, and asset valuations (impairments). The report should be produced at reasonable cost and omitting proprietary information. Proponents recommend the report be supported with reasonable assurance from an independent auditor. | Link to Proxy Statement |
Chevron Corp | 05 | Climate Change | RESOLVED: Shareholders request the Company to set and publish medium- and long-term targets to reduce the greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions of the Company’s operations and energy products (Scope 1, 2, and 3) consistent with the goal of the Paris Climate Agreement: to limit global warming to well below 2°C above pre-industrial levels and to pursue efforts to limit the temperature increase to 1.5°C. You have our support. | Link to Proxy Statement |
ConocoPhillips | 07 | Climate Change | RESOLVED: Shareholders request the Company to set and publish short-, medium- and long-term targets to reduce the greenhouse gas (GHG) of the Company’s operations and energy products (Scope 1, 2, and 3) consistent with the goal of the Paris Climate Agreement: to limit global warming to well below 2°C above pre-industrial levels and to pursue efforts to limit the temperature increase to 1.5°C. | Link to Proxy Statement |
DTE Energy Co | 05 | Climate Change | Resolved: Shareholders request DTE revise its net zero by 2050 target, and interim targets, to integrate its full Scope 3 value chain emissions consistent with guidelines such as the CA100+ and SBTi, or publish an explanation of why the Company does not include these emissions. | Link to Proxy Statement |
Honeywell International Inc | 05 | Climate Change | RESOLVED: Shareholders request that the Board of Directors conduct an evaluation and issue a report (at reasonable cost, omitting proprietary information) describing if, and how, Honeywell’s lobbying activities (direct and through trade associations and other organizations) align with the goal of the Paris Agreement to limit average global warming to well below 2 degrees Celsius (ideally 1.5 degrees Celsius) and how Honeywell plans to mitigate risks presented by any misalignment. | Link to Proxy Statement |
Exxon Mobil Corp | 06 | Climate Change | RESOLVED: Shareholders request the Company to set and publish medium- and long-term targets to reduce the greenhouse gas (GHG) of the Company’s operations and energy products (Scope 1, 2, and 3) consistent with the goal of the Paris Climate Agreement: to limit global warming to well below 2°C above pre-industrial levels and to pursue efforts to limit the temperature increase to 1.5°C. | Link to Proxy Statement |
Phillips 66 | 05 | Climate Change | RESOLVED: Shareholders support the company to set and publish targets that are consistent with the goal of the Paris Climate Agreement: to limit global warming to well below 2°C above pre-industrial levels and to pursue efforts to limit the temperature increase to 1.5°C. These quantitative targets should cover the medium- and long-term greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions of the company’s operations and the use of its energy products (Scope 1, 2, and 3). Shareholders request that the company report on the strategy and underlying policies for reaching these targets and on the progress made, at least on an annual basis, at reasonable cost and omitting proprietary information. | Link to Proxy Statement |
Royal Bank of Canada | 08 | Climate Change | Resolved: It is proposed that the Bank agree to adopt an advisory vote policy in respect of its environmental and climate objectives and action plan so as to verify that it meets the expectations of its shareholders and all stakeholders. | Link to Proxy Statement |
JPMorgan Chase & Co | 09 | Climate Change | RESOLVED: Shareholders request that the Board of Directors issue a report that sets absolute contraction targets for the Company's financed greenhouse gas emissions, in accordance with United Nations Environmental Program Finance Initiative (UNEP FI) recommendations to the G20 Sustainable Finance Working Group, for credible net zero commitments. Proponents request that, in the discretion of board and management, the report address the lack of need for new fossil fuel development beyond projects already committed as of 2021, as set forth in the UNEP FI recommendations | Link to Proxy Statement |
Chubb Ltd | 13 | Climate Change | RESOLVED: Shareholders request that Chubb’s Board of Directors adopt and disclose new policies to help ensure that its underwriting practices do not support new fossil fuel supplies, in alignment with the IEA’s Net Zero Emissions by 2050 Scenario. The board and management, in its discretion, should define the scope, time frames and parameters of the policy, including defining “new fossil fuel supplies,” with an eye toward the well-accepted definition that new fossil fuel supplies include exploration for and/ or development of oil, gas, and coal resources or reserves beyond those fields or mines already in production. | Link to Proxy Statement |
BlackRock Inc | 04 | Climate Change | RESOLVED: Shareholders ask that, to the extent practicable, consistent with fiduciary duties, and otherwise legally and contractually permissible, the Company adopt stewardship practices designed to curtail corporate activities that externalize social and environmental costs that are likely to decrease the returns of portfolios that are diversified in accordance with portfolio theory, even if such curtailment could decrease returns at the externalizing company. | Link to Proxy Statement |
United Parcel Service Inc | 09 | Diversity & Employment | Resolved: Shareholders request that UPS report to shareholders on the effectiveness of the Company’s diversity, equity, and inclusion efforts. The reporting should be done at reasonable expense, exclude proprietary information, and address outcomes using quantitative metrics for recruitment, retention, and promotion of employees, including data by gender, race, and ethnicity. Quantitative data is sought so that investors can assess, understand, and compare the effectiveness of companies’ diversity, equity, and inclusion programs and apply this analysis to investors’ portfolio management and securities’ selection process. | Link to Proxy Statement |
McDonald's Corp | 08 | Diversity & Employment | RESOLVED: That shareholders of McDonald’s urge the Board of Directors to oversee a third-party audit analyzing the adverse impact of McDonald’s policies and practices on the civil rights of company stakeholders, above and beyond legal and regulatory matters, and to provide recommendations for improving the company’s civil rights impact. Input from civil rights organizations, franchisees, corporate and franchise employees, suppliers, and customers should be considered in determining the specific matters to be analyzed. A report on the audit, prepared at reasonable cost and omitting confidential or proprietary information, should be publicly disclosed on McDonald’s website. | Link to Proxy Statement |
Johnson & Johnson | 07 | Diversity & Employment | Resolved: Shareholders urge the board of directors to oversee a third-party audit (within a reasonable time and at a reasonable cost) which assesses and produces recommendations for improving the racial impacts of its policies, practices and products, above and beyond legal and regulatory matters. Input from stakeholders, including civil rights organizations, employees, and customers, should be considered in determining the specific matters to be assessed. A report on the audit, prepared at reasonable cost and omitting confidential/proprietary information, should be published on the company's website. | Link to Proxy Statement |
Home Depot Inc/The | 10 | Diversity & Employment | RESOLVED: That shareholders of The Home Depot, Inc. (“Home Depot”) urge the Board of Directors to oversee an independent racial equity audit analyzing Home Depot’s adverse impacts on nonwhite stakeholders and communities of color. Input from civil rights organizations, employees, and customers should be considered in determining the specific matters to be analyzed. A report on the audit, prepared at reasonable cost and omitting confidential and proprietary information, as well as information regarding current litigation and claims of which Home Depot has notice, should be publicly disclosed on Home Depot’s website. | Link to Proxy Statement |
Alphabet Inc | 09 | Diversity & Employment | RESOLVED: Shareholders urge the Board of Directors to commission a third-party, independent racial equity audit analyzing Alphabet Inc.’s adverse impacts on Black, Indigenous and People of Color (BIPOC) communities. Input from racial justice and civil rights organizations and employees, temporary vendors, and contractors should be considered in determining specific matters to be analyzed. A report on the audit, prepared at reasonable cost and omitting confidential and proprietary information, should be published on Alphabet’s website. | Link to Proxy Statement |
Apple Inc | 09 | Diversity & Employment | RESOLVED: That shareholders of Apple Inc. (“Apple”) urge the Board of Directors to oversee a third-party audit analyzing the adverse impact of Apple’s policies and practices on the civil rights of company stakeholders, above and beyond legal and regulatory matters, and to provide recommendations for improving the company’s civil rights impact. Input from civil rights organizations, employees, and customers should be considered in determining the specific matters to be analyzed. A report on the audit, prepared at reasonable cost and omitting confidential or proprietary information, should be publicly disclosed on Apple’s website. | Link to Proxy Statement |
Waste Management Inc | 04 | Diversity & Employment | RESOLVED: That shareholders of Waste Management, Inc. (“Waste Management”), urge the Board of Directors to oversee a third-party audit analyzing the adverse impact of Waste Management’s policies and practices on the civil rights of company stakeholders, above and beyond legal and regulatory matters, and to provide recommendations for improving the company’s civil rights impact. Input from civil rights organizations, employees, customers, and other stakeholders should be considered in determining the specific matters to be analyzed. A report on the audit, prepared at reasonable cost and omitting confidential or proprietary information, should be publicly disclosed on Waste Management’s website. | Link to Proxy Statement |
Chevron Corp | 09 | Diversity & Employment | Resolved: Shareholders request that the Board of Directors commission and publicly disclose the findings of an independent racial equity audit, analyzing if, and how, Chevron’s policies and practices discriminate against or disparately impact communities of color. The report should clearly identify, and recommend steps to eliminate, business activities that further systemic racism, environmental injustice, threaten civil rights, or present barriers to diversity, equity, and inclusion (DEI). Input from impacted workers, community members, customers, or other relevant stakeholders should inform the audit and report. The report should exclude confidential and proprietary information, as well as information relevant to any pending legal proceeding or threatened proceeding of which Chevron has notice. | Link to Proxy Statement |
Travelers Cos Inc/The | 07 | Diversity & Employment | Resolved: Shareholders urge the board of directors to oversee a third-party audit (within a reasonable time and at a reasonable cost) which assesses and produces recommendations for improving the racial impacts of its policies, practices, products, and services, above and beyond legal and regulatory matters. Input from stakeholders, including civil rights organizations, employees, and customers, should be considered in determining the specific matters to be assessed. A report on the audit, prepared at reasonable cost and omitting confidential/proprietary information, should be published on the company’s website. | Link to Proxy Statement |
Wells Fargo & Co | 10 | Diversity & Employment | RESOLVED: That shareholders of Wells Fargo & Company (“WFC”) urge the Board of Directors to oversee an independent racial equity audit analyzing WFC’s adverse impacts on nonwhite stakeholders and communities of color. Input from civil rights organizations, employees, and customers should be considered in determining the specific matters to be analyzed. A report on the audit, prepared at reasonable cost and omitting confidential or proprietary information, should be publicly disclosed on WFC’s website. | Link to Proxy Statement |
American Water Works Co Inc | 05 | Diversity & Employment | Resolved: Shareholders urge the board of directors to oversee a third-party audit (within a reasonable time and at a reasonable cost) which assesses and produces recommendations for improving the racial impacts of its policies, practices, products, and services, above and beyond legal and regulatory matters. Input from stakeholders, including civil rights organizations, employees, and customers, should be considered in determining the specific matters to be assessed. A report on the audit, prepared at reasonable cost and omitting confidential/proprietary information, should be published on the company’s website. | Link to Proxy Statement |
Walmart Inc | 07 | Diversity & Employment | RESOLVED: Shareholders of Walmart Inc. (“Walmart”) request that the Board of Directors oversee the preparation of a public report on whether and how Walmart's racial justice goals and commitments align with the starting pay for all classifications of Walmart associates. | Link to Proxy Statement |
Comcast Corp | 05 | Diversity & Employment | RESOLVED: That shareholders of Comcast Corporation (“Comcast”) urge the Board of Directors to oversee an independent racial equity audit analyzing Comcast’s adverse impacts on nonwhite stakeholders and communities of color. Input from civil rights organizations, employees, and customers should be considered in determining the specific matters to be analyzed. A report on the audit, prepared at reasonable cost and omitting confidential or proprietary information, should be publicly disclosed on Comcast’s website. | Link to Proxy Statement |
SVB Financial Group | 04 | Diversity & Employment | Resolved: Shareholders urge the board of directors to oversee a third-party audit (within a reasonable time and at a reasonable cost) which assesses and produces recommendations for improving the racial impacts of its policies, practices, products, and services, above and beyond legal and regulatory matters. Input from stakeholders, including civil rights organizations, employees, and customers, should be considered in determining the specific matters to be assessed. A report on the audit, prepared at reasonable cost and omitting confidential/proprietary information, should be published on the company’s website. | Link to Proxy Statement |
Citigroup Inc | 07 | Human Rights | Resolved: Shareholders request that the Board of Directors provide a report to shareholders, at reasonable cost and omitting proprietary and confidential information, outlining how effective Citigroup’s policies, practices, and performance indicators are in respecting internationally recognized human rights standards for Indigenous Peoples’ rights in its existing and proposed general corporate and project financing. | Link to Proxy Statement |
Wells Fargo & Co | 08 | Human Rights | Resolved: Shareholders request that the Board of Directors provide a report to shareholders, at reasonable cost and omitting proprietary and confidential information, outlining how effective Wells Fargo’s policies, practices, and performance indicators are in respecting internationally recognized human rights standards for Indigenous Peoples’ rights in its existing and proposed general corporate and project financing. | Link to Proxy Statement |
Republic Services Inc | 05 | Other Environmental | Resolved: Shareholders urge the board of directors to commission a third-party environmental justice audit (within reasonable time and cost) which assesses the heightened racial impacts of Republic Services’ operations and produces recommendations for improving them above and beyond legal and regulatory matters. Input from stakeholders, including civil rights organizations and affected community members, should be considered in determining the specific matters for assessment. A report on the audit, prepared at reasonable cost and omitting proprietary information, should be published on the company’s website. Proponents suggest that the audit and resulting report: 1 Utilize the Environmental Protection Agency’s environmental justice screening and mapping tool to gather facility-level environmental and demographic data (EJSCREEN); and 2 Assess the company’s ongoing, historical, and cumulative pollution impacts and the extent to which this pollution may have disproportionately affected the health of communities of color. | Link to Proxy Statement |
McDonald's Corp | 05 | Plastics | RESOLVED: Shareholders request that the McDonald’s Board issue a report, at reasonable expense and excluding proprietary information, describing how the company will reduce its plastics use in alignment with the reductions findings of the Pew Report, or other authoritative sources, to feasibly reduce ocean pollution. | Link to Proxy Statement |
Exxon Mobil Corp | 09 | Plastics | Resolved: Shareholders request that Exxon’s Board issue an audited report addressing whether and how a significant reduction in virgin plastic demand, as set forth in Breaking the Plastic Wave’s System Change Scenario to reduce ocean plastic pollution, would affect the Company’s financial position and assumptions underlying its financial statements. The report should be at reasonable cost and omit proprietary information. Proponents recommend that, in the Board’s discretion, the report include: 1 Quantification (in tons and/or as a percentage of total) of the company’s polymer production for SUP markets; 2 A summary or list of the company’s existing and planned investments that may be materially impacted by the SCS; 3 Any future plans or goals to shift its business model from virgin to recycled plastics. | Link to Proxy Statement |
Amazon.com Inc | 08 | Plastics | RESOLVED: Shareholders request that the Amazon Board issue a report, at reasonable expense and excluding proprietary information, describing how the company could reduce its plastics use in alignment with the 1/3 reduction findings of the Pew Report, or other authoritative sources, to reduce the majority of ocean pollution. The report should, at Board discretion: • Quantify the weight of total plastic packaging used by the company; • Evaluate the benefits of dramatically reducing the amount of plastics used in our packaging; • Assess the reputational, financial, and operational risks associated with continuing to use substantial amounts of plastic packaging while plastic pollution grows unabated; • Describe any necessary reduction strategies or goals, materials redesign, transition to reusables, substitution, or reductions in use of virgin plastic. | Link to Proxy Statement |
Phillips 66 | 06 | Plastics | Resolved: With board oversight, shareholders request that Phillip 66 prepare a report (at reasonable cost and omitting proprietary information) describing how the Company could shift its plastic resin business model from virgin to recycled polymer production as a means of reducing plastic pollution of the oceans. Proponents suggest, at Company discretion, the analysis include: 1 Quantification (in tons and/or as a percentage of total production) of the company’s polymer production for SUP markets 2 An assessment of the resilience of the company’s portfolio of petrochemical assets under virgin to recycled transition scenarios of five and ten years, and the financial risks associated with such scenarios 3 The benefits of such a shift in terms of plastic pollution avoided 4 Any risks or benefits to the Company’s finances or operations | Link to Proxy Statement |
United Parcel Service Inc | 05 | Political Activities | Resolved: Shareholders of United Parcel Service (“UPS”) request that the Board of Directors conduct an evaluation and issue a report within the next year (at reasonable cost, omitting proprietary information) describing if, and how, UPS’s lobbying activities (direct and through trade associations and social welfare and nonprofit organizations) align with the Paris Climate Agreement’s goal of limiting average global warming to well below 2 degrees Celsius and how the company plans to mitigate risks presented by any misalignment. | Link to Proxy Statement |
Twitter Inc | 09 | Political Activities | RESOLVED, that the shareholders of Twitter, Inc. (“Twitter” or “Company”) provide a full, detailed disclosure of our company's direct and indirect lobbying activities and expenditures to assess whether our lobbying is consistent with Company's expressed goals and in shareholders' best interests. Shareholders request the Board prepare a report, updated annually, disclosing: 1. Company policy and procedures governing lobbying, both direct and indirect, and grassroots lobbying communications 2. Payments by Company used for (a) direct or indirect lobbying or (b) grassroots lobbying communications, in each case including the amount of the payment and the recipient 3. Description of the decision-making process and oversight by management and the Board or making payments described in section 2 above. For purposes of this proposal, a “grassroots lobbying communication” is a communication directed to the general public that (a) refers to specific legislation or regulation; (b) reflects a view on the legislation or regulation; and (c) encourages the recipient of the communication to take action with respect to the legislation or regulation. “Indirect lobbying” is lobbying engaged in by a trade association or other organization of which Company is a member. Both “direct and indirect lobbying” and “grassroots lobbying communications” include lobbying at the local, state and federal levels. The report shall be presented to the Audit Committee or other relevant oversight committees of the Board and full details posted on the company's website. | Link to Proxy Statement |
Amazon.com Inc | 14 | Political Activities | Resolved: Shareholders request the preparation of a report, updated annually, disclosing: 1. Company policy and procedures governing lobbying, both direct and indirect, and grassroots lobbying communications. 2. Payments by Amazon used for (a) direct or indirect lobbying or (b) grassroots lobbying communications, in each case including the amount of the payment and the recipient. 3. Description of management’s and the Board’s decision-making process and oversight for making payments described in sections 2 above. For purposes of this proposal, a “grassroots lobbying communication” is a communication directed to the general public that (a) refers to specific legislation or regulation, (b) reflects a view on the legislation or regulation and (c) encourages the recipient of the communication to take action with respect to the legislation or regulation. “Indirect lobbying” is lobbying engaged in by a trade association or other organization of which Amazon is a member. Both “direct and indirect lobbying” and “grassroots lobbying communications” include efforts at the local, state and federal levels. The report shall be presented to the Audit Committee and posted on Amazon’s website. | Link to Proxy Statement |
AT&T Inc | 06 | Political Activities | Resolved: Shareholders request that AT&T publish a report, at reasonable expense, analyzing the congruence of the Company’s political and electioneering expenditures during the preceding year against publicly stated company values and policies, listing and explaining any instances of incongruent expenditures, and stating whether the Company has made, or plans to make, changes in contributions or communications to candidates as a result of identified incongruencies. | Link to Proxy Statement |
Home Depot Inc/The | 07 | Political Activities | Resolved: Shareholders request that The Home Depot publish, at least annually, a report, at reasonable expense, analyzing the congruence of political and electioneering expenditures during the preceding year against publicly stated company values and policies and disclosing or summarizing any actions taken regarding pausing or terminating support for organizations or politicians, and the types of incongruent policy advocacy triggering those decisions. Proponents recommend that such report also contain management's analysis of risks to our company's brand, reputation, or shareholder value of expenditures in conflict with company values. “Expenditures for electioneering communications" means spending, from the corporate treasury and from the PAC, directly or through a third party, at any time during the year, on printed, internet or broadcast communications, which are reasonably susceptible to interpretation as in support of or opposition to a specific candidate. | Link to Proxy Statement |
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